Tuscarawas County Public Library System Main • Bolivar • Strasburg • Sugarcreek • Tuscarawas • Mobile Services INTRODUCTION The Tuscarawas County Public Library System began its strategic planning process in 2022 with consultants from the State Library of Ohio (SLO). The library system had completed a successful 2015-2019 Strategic Plan which included, among other goals, completion of a $5.3 million building project of its Main Library. The Tuscarawas County Public Library System’s strategy between 2020 and 2022 was dictated by the COVID-19 global pandemic with the overall goal to provide vital library services within health and safety guidelines. By the summer of 2022, the Tuscarawas County Public Library System’s Board of Trustees and administration found itself returning to more stable ground and in a place to again think strategically about the Library’s goals and objectives. Process The Tuscarawas County Public Library System worked with SLO strategic planning consultant Erin Kelsey to develop the 2024-2026 Strategic Plan. SLO uses a library specific model of strategic planning called Planning For Results. Developed in 1998 by Sandra Nelson for the Public Library Association – and refined and updated by SLO – Planning for Results is a community responsive planning model. The Planning for Results methodology is based on three assumptions: 1. Excellence must be defined locally – it results when library services match community needs, interests, and priorities. 2. Excellence is possible for both small and large libraries – it rests more on a commitment than on unlimited resources. 3. Excellence is a moving target – even when achieved, excellence must be continually maintained. The SLO consultant researched general library and community statistics and gathered input from the community, staff, and Board members. The community provided input through an online community survey, which was also available in an English and Spanish print version. In addition to the general community survey, community stakeholders participated in a Community Focus Group questionnaire, which provided more in-depth feedback. SLO conducted an appreciative inquiry workshop with library staff and an appreciative inquiry workshop with the library’s Board of Trustees. Based on the data collected, the SLO consultant presented a report with recommendations for the areas of focus for the Library’s next strategic plan. The Library’s administration and Board reviewed the recommendations and selected six goal statements as the focus of the Library’s work. Staff and administration brainstormed together to determine the objectives for each of the goals. Implementation The Tuscarawas County Public Library’s 2024-2026 Strategic Plan will serve as a framework for the activities related to the collections, programs, and services our leadership team and staff provide the community. The work of the administration and staff continue with the implementation of the plan. The leadership team will work annually with their staffs to determine the activities and tasks to undertake in support of the strategic plan’s goals and objectives. The leadership team will regularly review progress and provide annual reporting related to strategic plan accomplishments.