1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Interested parties can sign up to participate at any of our five locations.

Who is it for? Any child who has not started kindergarten.

How does it work? Count all books read to or by your child toward your total. Multiple readings of the same book count as well! Use our free reading tracker to keep track of your child's progress. Print a copy below or ask for one at your nearest TCPL location. To keep track virtually go to the Library’s Beanstack or download the free Beanstack Tracker App in your mobile device’s app store.

For every 100 books read, stop by your nearest TCPL location to show us your reading tracker. Your child will receive incentives for reaching key milestones.

Did you know?

  • Children who are read to at an early age are more successful in school.
  • Reading aloud to infants and children encourages social, emotional, and cognitive development.
  • The ability to learn language skills is greatest before the age of six.
  • Children who are read to have bigger vocabularies when they enter school.
  • If you read just one book a day with your child, you'll reach 1,000 books in less than three years.
  • A free app is available to help you easily track your progress. Search the app store for 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten.

*1,000 Books Before Kindergarten® is a registered trademark of the 1,000 Books Foundation, used with permission. 

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1000 books reading tracker.pdf 52.29 KB