Mobile Services

The County Library's Mobile Services Department is alive and active throughout Tuscarawas County. Mobile Services delivers library materials to schools in New Philadelphia, Tusky Valley, Sandy Valley, Strasburg-Franklin, Garaway, Central Catholic Junior/Senior High, and Indian Valley School Districts, to home-bound patrons, and nursing homes, as well as providing Pop-Up Library opportunities throughout the county.

Educator Collection is a service available to preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, and home educators that supplies a classroom with a collection of materials on a specific subject or title for students. Request an educator collection.

Pop-Up Library is a service of the County Library's Mobile Services department that allows the library outside of its physical space to create an open-air library where you can check out library materials, ask questions about technology and digital collections, get a library card, sit and read, engage in an activity, or stay and play with featured items.

For more information please, call Mobile Services at 330-364-4474 ext. 250 or email us at