Meeting Space

Tuscarawas County Public Library System Meeting Room Policy
As a way of supporting our mission and core values, the Tuscarawas County Public Library System welcomes public use of meeting spaces in its Main Library locations within the guidelines that accompany this policy. First priority in the use of Library meeting spaces will always be given to Library-sponsored and co-sponsored programs and to programs held in cooperation with the Library. In addition to overseeing the reservation requests for the Library’s meeting spaces, the Library reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, or reassign the location of any meeting.

The use of Library meeting spaces is free, but donations to the Library will be accepted to assist in the cost of maintaining meeting space facilities. A fee may be charged in the event that a group’s use of a meeting space results in the need for repair to Library furnishings or if excessive clean-up is required by Library staff. Imposition of this fee will be at the discretion of the Library Director or designee.

Library meeting spaces are subject to the stipulations below and available for use during regular Library business hours to educational, cultural, civic, social, political, religious, or professional organizations, or to persons volunteering as tutors as part of a non-profit program. Any event organized by a campaign committee or group designed specifically to promote or oppose a candidate or ballot issue is not permitted use of the Library’s meeting spaces. Permitted are meetings at which candidates will discuss current election issues provided the event is hosted by a non-partisan and non-profit organization and all candidates for the same office have been invited. Meetings held by elected officials to gather input or communicate with his/her/their constituents are permissible.

Meeting spaces are not available to non-Library groups or individuals for the promotion or sales of services or products, fundraising, campaign activities, conducting classes for profit, or private social functions. Meetings shall be open to the public. No admission or attendance charge or required donation may be assessed by any non-Library group using a meeting space.

The Library may permit presenters at Library-sponsored programs to sell merchandise related to the subject or activity of their program to reduce the cost of the program to the Library or to raise funds for the Library Friends group. Likewise, a Library-sponsored program may have a registration charge to defray or reduce the cost of the program to the Library. The Library may, on occasion, sponsor classes offering instruction in skills. Tuition fees to cover costs of supplies may be charged. The Library may also allow its meeting spaces to be used by local school systems or area colleges and universities. In such cases, tuition fees may be charged.

All meetings and events held in the Library’s meeting spaces must be conducted in an orderly manner and in full compliance with applicable laws, regulations, the Library’s Code of Conduct, and current health guidelines. Children's and teen groups must have adult supervision at all times. Failure to comply may result in the meeting or event participants being asked to leave the Library immediately and in the group being prohibited from using Library facilities in the future. Library staff and security personnel reserve the right to remove any person from Library property for failing to follow the Library’s Code of Conduct or other Library policies and procedures including current health guidelines. Meeting spaces should not be used in any way that materially interferes with the operation of the Library or which threatens the safety of Library property, customers, or staff. The Library reserves the right to withdraw permission for meeting space use when conditions so warrant and to stop meetings which interfere with or are disruptive to the normal operations of the Library.

The Director or designee must approve all reservations. A meeting space may be reserved up to four months in advance of the meeting date and for no more than two meetings per month unless prior authorization has been given by the Library Director. Meeting space reservations are not to exceed four hours for a single time slot unless prior authorization has been given by the Library Director. Meetings must end at least 30 minutes before the Library closes with attendees vacating the space at least 15 minutes before the Library closes. In the event a group cancels a meeting, it is the responsibility of the group to promptly notify the Library.

Groups are responsible for notifying the Library regarding their preferred arrangement of the space so that tables and chairs can be set up beforehand. Following a group’s use of the space, Library staff will be responsible for arranging the space for its next use.

Refreshments may be served, but are restricted to the Meeting Rooms and are not permitted in other parts of the Library except during Library-sponsored events. Smoking and alcoholic beverages or beverages with red dye are prohibited. Groups serving refreshments are responsible for providing all serving utensils and for cleaning up following their meeting. In addition, candles or open flames of any kind may not be used in any meeting spaces.

The room reservation must be made by an individual, over the age of 18, who will be in attendance throughout the meeting, who will be responsible for the orderly conduct of the group, and who will be liable in the event of any damage to Library property and/or equipment. Upon arriving at the Library on the date of their desired reservation, the adult who reserved a meeting room will be asked to complete a Meeting Room Use Form. The Library is required to keep statistics on the use of its meeting spaces. At the end of the meeting, the adult who reserved the room will be asked to provide staff with any comments or concerns about the meeting room facility, to share the final attendance count for the meeting, and to return a room key if applicable. Reservations for Main and Bolivar Library meeting spaces may be made by completing the registration process online or by calling (Main) 330-364-4474 ext. 229 or (Bolivar) 330-874-2720.

The Library makes no endorsement, express or implied, of any non-Library event or activity held in the meeting space. Publicity of such events must include a disclaimer to this effect.

The Library Board of Trustees and the Library staff do not assume any liability for groups or individuals attending any meeting or program in the Library.
Board approved 3/18/2013
Rev. 3/2021; 6/2021; 4/2022

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