Research Databases

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
side profile of a woman from the shoulders up in a yoga pose.

Alt. Health Watch

Access peer-review journals, reports, and more on the many perspectives of complementary, alternative, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness.

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graph with up arrow and Business Source Premier logo

Business Source Premier

Find full articles from popular and scholarly business periodicals, company and market research, and daily updates on business news.

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image of spilled pill bottle

Consumer Health Complete

Browse medical, health-related and drug reference books, articles on health and fitness, and sources for alternative health information.

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Arm holding a green, black, tan, and red shopping bags with the sidewalk blurred out in the background

Consumer Reports

Get unbiased ratings and reviews for 9000+ products and services from Consumer Reports, plus trusted advice and in-depth reporting on what matters most.

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Person seated at a desk holding out a set of car keys. In front of them is a clipboard with papers and a red toy car.

Consumer Reports Buying Guide

A product-test and consumer advisory publication. Publishes results of tests on products ranging from major purchases such as automobiles & appliances to everyday items such as food & cleaning products. Also examines health, money management, etc.

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Stethoscope next to a red heart on an EKG print out.

Health Source: Consumer Edition

Provides information on the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health.

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Photo of woman squatting painting a shelf. Next to the photo is text reading Home Improvement Source with the EBSCO logo.

Home Improvement Source

This database provides users with detailed, user-friendly "how-to" information covering a variety of home improvement and repair projects.

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Laptop showing business graphs on a screen with two hands typing on the keyboard. An additional hand is pointing at the screen with a pen.

Reference Solutions

Basic directory information for more than 210 million U.S. residents and 14 million businesses. It includes the name of the business, address, telephone number, headquarters, Yellow Page headings, ticker symbol, credit rating, number of employees, and estimated sales volume.

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